Democracy for All

Your guide to preserving democracy
in the United States


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YOUR Nonpartisan Resource & Guide


We are here to help refresh your understanding of Democracy and Authoritarianism in today’s world. We believe in Democracy for all and encourage you to become a “Democracy Activist” to make sure, in this critical time of our nation, we as a people “Choose Democracy Now!”

Blogs & Articles

The Will of the People

Human Rights

The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures. (Signed December 10, 1948).

Universal Declaration of Human Rights – Article 21 

What is Democracy?

In its most minimal form, democracy is a system of government in which people can choose and replace their leaders in regular, free and fair elections. But a full and robust democracy for all requires more.

Besides periodic free and fair elections, it requires certain rights and freedoms for its citizens, a commitment to a constitutional rule of law, an independent judiciary, trustworthy law enforcement institutions, an independent system of oversight of government officials, and a vibrant civil society of independent organizations, civic groups, universities, social movements and publications.

Requirements Beyond Free and Fair Elections for a Robust Democracy

Basic Freedoms

Equality Under the Law

Independent Judiciary

A guarantee of civil rights and liberties includes the freedom of speech/press, assembly, association, and beliefs and religion.

For all citizens to be equal under the law, a robust “rule of law” is critical to establishing that no citizens are above the law.

Democracy depends on the ability of courts and judges to perform their duties free of influence or control by others – private or governmental. 

A guarantee of civil rights and liberties includes the freedom of speech/press, assembly, association, and beliefs and religion.
For all citizens to be equal under the law, a robust “rule of law” is critical to establishing that no citizens are above the law.
Democracy depends on the ability of courts and judges to perform their duties free of influence or control by others – private or governmental.


Government Checks

A Civil Society

Fair and impartial law enforcement builds trust between society and enforcement agencies, and is the key to stability within communities.

Corruption within governing offices can corrode public trust, diminish equal rights, and is a threat to the rule of law.

So that independent institutions, social movements,  civic clubs, universities and publications are lively contributors to society at large.

Fair Law Enforcement

Fair and impartial law enforcement builds trust between society and enforcement agencies, and is key to stable communities.

Corruption within governing offices can corrode public trust, diminish equal rights, and is a threat to the rule of law.
Stable society
So that independent institutions, social movements,  civic clubs, universities and publications are lively contributors to society at large.

Choose Democracy Election Pledge

Become a Democracy Activist